The current global pandemic has left questions to be answered. Peter Higgins, NEC4 Contract Board Chair and Ian Heaphy, NEC4 Contract Board Member have answered some of the pressing questions submitted by the NEC community through the Users’ Group Helpdesk.
In the fourth and final session, they look into "working areas", defined costs and recovery of costs for contractors.
Do you have questions for Peter and Ian? Submit your questions through the NEC Users’ Group Helpdesk today. Find out more.
Read Peter's guidance documentYou can watch Peter Higgin's first video here.
The information provided is correct at the time of recording. Any comments on the video are intended as general information on using NEC contracts under the current pandemic conditions. The comments should not be regarded as specific advice on specific projects. For specific support on any issues impacting your project please contact the NEC Helpdesk or your legal team.