NEC3: Professional Service Contract (PSC)
- 1 General
- 2 The Parties’ main responsibilities
- 3 Time
- 4 Quality
- 5 Payment
- 6 Compensation events
- 7 Rights to material
- 8 Indemnity, insurance and liability style
- 9 Termination
- A Priced subcontract with activity schedule
- C Target contract
- E Time based contract
- G Term contract Option
- Option W1
- Option W2
- X1 Price adjustment for inflation Changes in the law
- X3 Multiple currencies Parent company guarantee Sectional Completion Bonus for early Completion
- Delay damages
- Collateral warranty agreements
- Transfer of rights
- X10 Employer’s Agent
- X11 Termination by the Employer
- X12 Partnering
- X13 Performance bond
- X18 Limitation of liability
- X20 Key Performance Indicators
- Y(UK)2 The Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996
- Y(UK)3 The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
- Z Additional conditions of subcontract
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Product code: L08012-H
Product code: L08012-P
Product code: L08012-V