NEC3 Technical seminar in Hong Kong

NEC3 Technical seminar in Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers organised a technical seminar about NEC3 on 8 August 2016.
Robert Gerrard, NEC Users’ Group Secretary in the United Kingdom, led the presentation “A closer look at NEC3 ECC Options A to F”.
NEC3 contracts are now a popular topic in Hong Kong. During the seminar Robert Gerrard guided the attendees through the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) options A to F.  This is the main construction contract within the NEC3 family.
The Hong Kong government decided to use NEC3 contracts generally for all government projects tendered in 2015/16. The decision follows the success of a series of successful NEC3 pilot projects in the region, including the HK$2 billion community hospital at Tin Shui Wai delivered under an Engineering and Construction Contract Option A. Major highways, utilities and other building projects are now underway in Hong Kong's public and private sectors.
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