NEC4 box set now includes the new Alliance Contract

NEC4 box set now includes the new Alliance Contract

The NEC: June 2017 edition boxset has just been expanded to include the Alliance Contract which was released in June 2018. Along with the contract, it also includes the two related user guides; NEC4 Preparing an Alliance Contract and NEC4 Managing an Alliance Contract.

Since its inception in 2017, the NEC team has captured feedback from the community and industry experts regarding the latest edition of the contract suite. Overall, the feedback has been extremely positive.

This expanded boxset also includes some recent amendments including changes to:

  • ECC Clause 63.5: Assessment of Delay Due to a Compensation Event
  • ECC Clause 90.2: Termination Table
  • ECC Option C, D, E and F Clause 50.9 – Agreement of Defined Cost
  • ECC Option W1 and W2 – Senior Representatives
  • PSSC – The Consultant’s Contract Data – People Rates
  • SC, ECS, PSS, TSS – Project Bank Account

Buy the updated box set here.
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