Promoting NEC for HK building projects

Promoting NEC for HK building projects


The NEC Asia Pacific Users’ Group has jointly run two online seminars promoting the benefits of using NEC contracts for procuring building projects in Hong Kong.

In January 2021, NEC Users’ Group secretary Robert Gerrard gave an insight into the differences between claims handling in the traditional building contracts used in Hong Kong and in NEC contracts. Over 700 people joined the seminar.

The event was jointly organized with the Construction Industry Council (CIC), the Hong Kong Institute’s School of Professional Development in Construction (SPDC) and the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers (HKIE). In February we held a further online seminar with CIC, SPDC and the Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators (HKIArb). This featured a discussion between Robert and barrister Vincent Li on on how best to use NEC4 in building works.

Two further events will be run with Hong Kong Mediation Council and Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors.



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