Managing Reality, 2nd Edition. Book 2: Procuring an Engineering and Construction Contract

Managing Reality, 2nd Edition. Book 2: Procuring an Engineering and Construction Contract
By Barry Trebes and Bronwyn Mitch

Managing Reality Book 2 Procuring an Engineering and Construction Contract is for those who need to know how to procure an ECC contract.



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Managing Reality is a series of books written by NEC experts well versed in using NEC3 in industry that explains how NEC3 can be used to optimum benefit in everyday environments. Ultimately, this suite of books forms the complete and authoritative guide to getting the most from NEC3 for your projects.

The books are based on usage of the NEC’s core document – the Engineering and Construction Contract – although the principles and procedures they discuss apply equally across all the documents in the NEC suite.

Managing Reality, 2nd edition, places great emphasis on offering ‘practical tips’ at appropriate points in the text and highlighted examples. Standard forms are included with their usage explained together with checklists. Managing Reality, 2nd edition, are practical manuals designed to aid both existing and new users in implementing the NEC, vital for anyone involved in preparing, administering or contributing to a NEC contract.

Managing Reality Book 2 Procuring an Engineering and Construction Contract is for those who need to know how to procure an ECC contract. It covers in practical detail invitations to tender, evaluation of submissions, which option to select, how to complete the Contract Data and how to prepare the Works Information. The use of this guidance is appropriate for employers, contractors (including subcontractors) and construction professionals in general.