NEC4: A User's Guide

NEC4: A User's Guide
By Dr John Broome

NEC4: A User’s Guide is a fully updated new edition of the essential book focused on working successfully with the NEC suite of contracts.



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NEC4: A User’s Guide is a fully updated new edition of the essential book focused on working successfully with the NEC suite of contracts. It covers how the NEC family of contracts fit together, good practice prior to, and following award of the contract in the crucial first months. Each chapter draws on results of previous research, and the author’s substantial experience in helping clients, contractors and consultants to get the best out of the contract and improve project results for all participants. Clearly written and authoritative, the book provides straightforward explanations of the most important areas of the NEC4 suite of contracts, focusing on the Engineering & Construction (ECC) contract. The chapters contain a multitude of practical tips that help deliver better project outcomes.

This edition, comprehensively updated by author Dr Jon Broome, remains an essential ‘on the top of the desk’ companion for anyone involved in preparing, managing or contributing to an NEC4 contract.

From the Foreword to this book 

This Guide is replete with tips and practical advice for both new and experienced NEC users. It is worth finding the time to read it through carefully. 

Professor Rudi Klein, President, NEC Users’ Group 

Book Reviews

The User Guide outlines an approach to ensuring good management provisions are made within an NEC4 contract, with the added benefit of examples which assist the reader. 

Jillian Ferguson, Client Project Manager, Perth Transport Futures Project, Australia 

You can learn from it whether you are a seasoned 20 year veteran or a complete novice: it’s a guide for all. So dive in, enjoy – it’s very readable – and keep learning. 

Mark Giltsoff FCIOB, Project  Director, Balfour Beatty Construction Services, UK 

Back in 2012 I thought that Jon Broome’s NEC3 Guide was the best NEC book I had seen; now this new NEC4 edition is certainly the best. 

Warwick Fergusson, First Chair, Australasia NEC Users’ Group, New Zealand  

As a lawyer, this book has provided me with a welcome change to the usual reading list. I recommend it to my fellow practitioners as a very practical and engaging read. 

Sarah Schütte LLB ACIArb, Solicitor-Advocate; Director, Schutte Consulting Limited, UK