Pre-order NEC4: Contrato de Ingeniería y Construcción Paquete (ECC Bundle, LATAM Spanish)

Pre-order NEC4: Contrato de Ingeniería y Construcción Paquete (ECC Bundle, LATAM Spanish)
Paperbound gives you
  • Our high-quality printed paperbound contract
Paperbound doesn't give you
  • The ability to print your contract
  • A digital copy of this contract

Our high-quality printed paperbound contract.

Digital Library gives you
  • The ability to view, download and print documents through our online portal
  • Access to online contracts without having to download software
  • Easy searching across the contracts and user guides
Digital Library doesn't give you
  • Access for multiple users

View, download and print documents through our online portal



Get this for FREE with Platinum/Gold Users' Group Membership

Pre-order this new bundle to be the first to receive everything you need to prepare, tender and manage an NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) translated into Latin American Spanish, including all main and secondary Options and forms for the relevant cost schedules and contract data.

The bundle also includes two essential User Guides for the NEC4 ECC: Preparing an Engineering and Construction Contract and Managing an Engineering and Construction Contract.

The ECC can include any level of design, with six main payment Options: A (priced contract with activity schedule), B (priced contract with bill of quantities), C (target contract with activity schedule), D (target contract with bill of quantities), E (cost reimbursable contract) and F (management contract).

As such, the contract can be used for the full range of financial risk allocation, from placing most risk with the supplier (Options A and B), to risk sharing (Options C and D) and placing most risk with the client Options E and F).

The LATAM Spanish NEC4 ECC Bundle is due out next month and we will email you as soon as you can access it.

For more details about the purchasing process, please click here to see the Spanish-language annotated guide.


The ECC is the main works contract and subcontract in the NEC4 suite of collaborative, flexible and clearly written contracts for built environment procurement. It has a global track record for delivering all kinds and sizes of building and infrastructure projects on time, on budget and to the highest environmental and quality standards.

As with all NEC4 contracts, the parties are required to act in a ‘spirit of mutual trust and co-operation’ and give early warnings of anything that could affect time, cost or quality so it can be mitigated without delay. Change is dealt with by a fast and fair compensation event process which, together with a continually updated and agreed programme, ensures there are no surprises at completion.