NEC3 ECC Programming Workshop
Why enrol?
- Be clear on how a Programme can be constructed from first principles in order to fulfill its potential as a real management tool
- Confidently manage the Programme in practice to maximise its success on an ECC project
The role of the planner is now a key aspect in the management of projects. It is vital that other team members including the project manager and commercial staff fully understand the requirements and effects of managing Programme requirements to properly carry out their functions.
Sessions begin at 9:00 and finish at 17:00. Morning and afternoon coffee breaks and lunch are included in the programme.
- Major planning considerations
- Building up a Programme
- Links, types of float and critical path
- Time risk allowance
- Programme requirements within ECC
- Issues associated with planning under ECC
- Early warnings and Key Dates
- Compensation Events
- Programme submissions and reporting
- Effect on Completion Date
- Summary and open forum
This workshop course is recommended for all those involved in NEC3 ECC programmes, including:
- Project managers
- Contract managers
- Quantity surveyors
- Planners
- Clients
- Consultants
- Contractors and their supply chain
Prior to enrolling on this workshop, delegates must either have attended an introductory NEC3 training course, or have practical experience of working on an ECC project.